Monday, July 14, 2014

Wandering... for an elixir of life.

I often wonder, how far have we come in this our sojourn of life, totally uncertain, full of ambitions, sounding tremendously hopeful even when there is no possibility of the slightest of the hope, and dreaming wide awake for a thing or the other.After experiencing something good, I have none but one thought that- how far it will last? Where it will end? How will it end? I end up concluding that certainly it will end, anyway. Nothing is perpetual. It will surely end someday, somewhere, all of it, suddenly. Having said this, another mind boggling question is posed- Why do everything in a specific manner, when the end of life is certain? Why to be good to others? Why not be selfish? Why not be egocentric? and many such ruthless, bewildering questions. At times people have had, and have harsh encounters with the chaotic world, and most of the times they end up concluding that actually, the world is a place which has been weighted with very selfish people all around, where no one exists for no one and only for the self. But still, somewhere it does make a sense to do selfless things, do good things, act gently towards others. Somewhere still there is a certainty of goodness, kindness, help, which can facilitate everybody prosper despite all the odds. Believe me, neither I a day-dreaming, nor I am trying to be idealistic. I really don't want to be idealistic here. 

You actually start being too philosophical when you start posing questions regarding your very existence on the already burdened, bursting at the seam planet. Am I here to accomplish something? Do I have some purpose? Or I am just another ordinary creation of a biological process?
There is a purpose. There is a purpose to life. Infact, it is full of purpose. The adage is very apt- "A life without purpose is nothing but futile". It is like searching for a black cat in in the dark (somebody has put this too). In a way or other, people look for that one exilir of life, throughout this sojourn, which in common perception is believed to be the very source of happiness, joy or elation. They wander in search of that one elixir. Everybody aspires to gain that ultimate happiness, utopia, I put it, unachievable. For that happiness or satisfaction, they they strive, persevere hard, failing or succeeding.
'Purpose'- People have different purposes in life in order to attain the much desired happiness. It can be cruel (justified to the person seeking) or altruistic (good for all, society). The definition is different for different people. I would like to further elucidate and elabourate by comparing two personalities who sought to change the order of the world according to their point of view. M.K. Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. Both of them had different puposes and perspectives and to an extent succeeded. Where one aspired to establish a value based system, which would do justice with everybody, the other aspired to wipe off a community from the face of the earth. Where one tried to exhume happiness by serving to the deprived, other derived joy from the pain and sufferings of the community. Choice undoubtedly rests with you as to which path you choose. But remember to choose the one from where you would derive the ultimate happiness without making others to compromise their's. Give your best. Devote yourself completely. Look for the higher truth, the ultimate one. Notions, ofcourse differ from person to person and hence it totally depends on you as which way you choose. In the end it would hardly matter what results it yields. What has actually been counted and will be counted in the times to come is that how much efforts you have put in. Efforts may not yield favourable results every time. Yet, if you are able to shake a leaf, you have made the might. If your efforts are able to influence a single person in any corner of the world, you have done your job. World is round my friend. People, ideas and thoughts have no corner of escaping. Nothing is hidden and escapes. There ought to be a beginning, regardless that howesover tiny it is. There is a lot to world beyond this small life.
The time you are eating in a seven star restaurants (as the time tells), millions of children are going to bed empty stomach. While you are enjoying a TV show at night, thousands of children are sitting scared in the settlements of Gaza Strip. Not doing something also amounts to doing something. Each of your action has some kind o bearing on the world. We are not helpless sitting far away. Wake up, go after your purpose and taste the actual elixir of life!


  1. Bro well wrote, your ideology is appreciable and unbiased which I liked the most.
    Keep it up.
    Aadil Chaudhary

    1. Thanks Aadil bhai. I will try to b in the same way everytime.

  2. A nice perspective to look at things around!
